The Goldbergs — The Ugly Jacket


Beverly decides that she wants to pursue her dream of being an entrepreneur and sell her own stylish jackets on QVC. She eagerly whips together several jackets and repeatedly tries to contact QVC, but she is never able to reach them. Beverly’s husband agrees to sell the jackets to the customers at his local furniture store, but he finds that this task is harder than he imagined it would be.

After selling a couch, Murray offers the customer a special half-off price on the jacket. The customer refuses, so Murray continues to lower the price until he gets to the point of offering to give the couch away if he takes the jacket, but, the costumer still refuses this offer. Will Murray is willing and able to sell the jacket, he can’t find suitable buyers who are willing to enter the market. Despite Say’s Law that supply will create demand, he is unable to find customers at even a zero price.

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